Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The Liebster Award

Hey, so I was kindly nominated by BrightDreamerz to do the Liebster award. They have a amazing blog so go check them out!. (Q&A on previous post with one of them go check that out after)

The Liebster Award Rules

1) Once nominated make a post thanking and linking your nominators blog
2)Include the Liebster Award sticker as well
3) Nominate 10 other bloggers that have 200 followers or less who you think are worthy of the award and include their links in your post. Also make sure that you let them know that they've been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can nominee the person who nominated you.
4) Answer the 10 questions asked to you by your nominator (these questions should be on their post) And then make 10 of your own for your nominees to answer
5) Finally copy these rules onto your post.

1) If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
I would have one like the man in fantastic four that fly's and becomes fire because it's cool

2) What's your biggest dream?
To travel the world

3) What's your go to food if your looking for a 'Pick-Me-Up'?
Defiantly chocolate

4) What's your favourite thing about blogging and why?
I just like the idea of it somehow actually helping someone out in the world.

5) If you could only have one season forever what would you chose?
Autum because of the crunchy leaves, big jumpers, sitting by fires etc. It such a beautiful time of the year.

6) Favourite book?
I'm not that big of a reader but I read paper towns on holiday and enjoyed that.

7) If you could be any celeb for the day who would you be and why?
I'm not really sure, it's a hard question

8) Favourite weather?
When I'm inside I like it to be rain, lightening and thunder but when I'm outside I like it to be hot but not humid.

9) Why did you start your blog?
Like I said before, to hopefully help people if they need anything whether it's advise or a new product to buy. Just knowing you made a small different to someones day.

10) What's your all time favourite song?
At the moment I haven't really got a 'all time' favourite song but I really like 'love myself' at the moment.

My questions:
1) Any hobbies other then blogging?
2) Favourite TV show?
3) Any secret talents?
4) Why did you start blogging?
5) Most used social-networking site?
6) What is your favourite beauty brand?
7) What is one goal you want to achieve in life?
8) Designer or high street clothes?
9) If you could travel anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go?
10) Most favourite subject to blog about?

I nominate:
Miel and Mint
Bohemian Vanilla
Sarah's budget beauty
The Velvet Black
Petals and Pearls
Happy little life blog
Fun fashion and things
Amelia's beauty


  1. Loved reading your answers! Travelling the world is one of my biggest dreams too! :)
    Urban Obsessions // Vegan Food, Beauty & Lifestyle

  2. Just followed you here from my blog ;)
    Thanks so so much for a nomanation, hon.
    I have done the Liebster award tag before (http://mielandmint.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/tag-liebster-award.html) but have been nominated a few times after that, so I absolutely must schedule in a few posts dedicated to it ;) I will "spread it out" by the end of 2015 not to post one after another if that makes sense lol. So so kind of you to nominate me.
    Are you on Bloglovin'? Make sure to follow my blog there to stay tuned! ;)
    To travel the world is my no.1 as well and I would pick up chocolate any second :)
    xox Nadia

  3. Just added you on Bloglovin' ;)

  4. Thank you xx really appreciate it
